Material Design Steppers – Lists inside steps

I am a bit struggling regarding a multistep process to create an item where the user has to fill out different data inside a mobile android application.

  1. Basic Data (e.g. a Location, a Date)
  2. Select multiple data from a given list
  3. A picture for the created item

So I looked up the material design approach/specification for steppers (Material Design Steppers).

Regarding the specification I have 2 possibilities that are suitable for mobile use cases as far as I see.

  1. The steppers presented under the Section "Types of Steppers/Mobile Steppers": enter image description here enter image description here

  2. The vertical stepper under the Section "Types of Steppers/Vertical Steppers": enter image description here

So now to the actual problem:
As mentioned above, in step 2 the user has to select multiple items from a list of items that can vary and increase over time and potentially become large up to an undefined size.

From that point of view I think the steppers 1 would be better suited, as the items could be presented in an own screen with possibly additional filtering/sorting possibilities.

From a "Design"-Point of view I think the vertical stepper just looks nicer, but I can not imagine a solution to include such a list inside it (and somehow a list inside has a slight "smell" of not being the accurate method).

What do you think would be better suited from an UX Point of view?

Thank you already!