material design: List with multiple primary actions

I have a list of keys, the user can annotate a key as positive, negative or neutral. There are no other interactions on a list item. So, i am considering these set of actions as the primary actions (that is, assigning polarity to a key). So, in effect, i have 3 primary actions (one of the 3 would be the primary action taken by the user).

Now, as per guidelines, the primary action should be towards the left, and the secondary actions towards the right. It also mentions the 5 type of list controls (button is not explicitly mentioned as a list control, but i need to use buttons for the polarity assignment).

In my case, since there is some other info to be displayed, and placing 3 buttons on the left, did not seem intuitive, so this is how my list looks like right now:

enter image description here

I am not able to define my use case in terms of the material design guidelines, and so i am confused as to how and where should I place the primary action buttons, or if , this is primary action at all, or if i consider this as a secondary action, how should the controls look like, should they visually look as a group? and should they be on the right side.

I could have a UI where the user selects a list item and then it expands to show the action buttons (like in recent call list of android) , but that seems to me as an unneseccary interaction.