Material Design card with a lot of information

This is very much related to Material Design List with a lot of information

The previous question and answer does not cover how to layout the information in a material card.

Let's assume I have some form of contact list.

  • Name
  • Skills (can be 0-~5)
  • City of residence
  • Age
  • Phone number (can also be multiple likely 1-2)
  • Email
  • Last Contact date (when did we last talk to this contact)
  • Our contact manager (which user in our system who is the main contact)

Are rectangular material cards a thing? that is, can it be much wider than high? Can it have columns?

Are email and phone considered actions? e.g. clicking them opens your email client or calls via facetime voice. and should they in this case go into material card button actions at the bottom?

How would you lay out this kind of information in a clear and readable way in a material card?