Material Design: Adding to table 2 different ways

I'm building a responsive web app based on the material design principles. I have a data table that has an ADD function. There is two ways to add to the table. You can either input the values you want to add manually or you can choose from a list of items.

At this point in time I have an ADD button that shows a popup with two choices "Add" and "Add from list". I feel this is not a good user experience.

I feel like the most likely path users will take is to add from the list. I was considering simply showing the add from list popup dialog with a "Input values manually" option in the dialog if you wanted to switch over to manual input. But then that would close the List selection dialog and create a new dialog which I'm not confident is a very good experience or even in line with Material Design principles.

I also considered adding an empty row to the table and having an option at the end of the row to add from list but that seems like a nightmare to translate to mobile.

What would be the best flow/pattern to deal with this user experience issue?