Making Form Wizard friendly as possible

It would be easy if my audiences are computer literate already or somehow has knowledge in using computers.

This is my first time designing for those who are not.

I have Cancel/Back and Next button originally like this.

Would like to move it on the Panel's footer to make the button's location consistent throughout the wizard like this.

But something just feel like it's not right, or I don't know if I'm biased.

Aside from that,

I made two versions of step 2 which is creating a Product Category in case it is not on the list from step 1.

I have 2 goals here:

  • Explain what each option will do
  • Guide them on their selection.

2 somewhat different form will be presented whichever they would choose

Version 1

Upon choosing an option, they will proceed to the step 3 which is the form already.

Image v1

Version 2

Explanation and form is included already in one page separated by navigation tabs

Image v2

-- EDIT --

My final design that looks good so far:

The Form


The Modal
