Mailchimp suggests to "woo back" the unsubscribed recipients 3-6 months later. Is it really acceptable?

From Mailchimp's article on Drip Campaigns:

Communicate based on a user’s behaviors

Unsubscribe emails. <…> If they unsubscribe from your subscription service (such as a gym), in addition to asking for feedback, you might provide a special “we want you back” offer or incentive. You can also follow up with them 3 or 6 months later, when their situation may have changed, to woo them back.

E-mailing them for whatever reason right after they've explicitly told you no more e-mails, let alone trying to woo them back 6 months later, contradicts the honor opt-out requests part, as well as… common sense.

Is Mailchimp recommending a poor practice here, or did I misunderstand something?