Looking for feedback to design a tabbed menu

I am working on an e-commerce website. I am creating a Shopify app for the e-commerce website, and I want the shopify app to be within a tabbed menu.

The app has 2 tabs: 1. Product Mapping: for defining product mapping between Shopify and my e-commerce

  1. Online Store: for defining organisation setting such as Name, address

I might add extra tabs for Payment method and Help

I created 3 similar variations of this tabbed menu and am trying to find out which design is the best...

Note: if user clicks on any of these tabs, a full post back will occur and the entire page is refreshed.

Design 1 (Tabbed menu with no border)

enter image description here

Design 2 (Tabbed menu with no border, but table is inside a card)

enter image description here

Design 3 (Tabbed menu with border)

enter image description here

I am looking for feedback to decide which one if these designs to use...

In case of tabbed menu, is it more common to have a border around the tabbed menu?