Listing multiple hierarchical data chunks of information in a table row

I need to show a list of hierarchically organized elements in a row set (it can be multiline, yet I need to compress it vertically as much as possible).

There is some similarity to file paths - for example, let's say in one row I want to show a list of paths where images can be found. These are:

  • Documents > Pictures
  • Documents > Photos
  • Documents > Pictures > Photos
  • Documents > Pictures > Photos > Gallery 1
  • Documents > Pictures > Photos > Gallery 2
  • Downloads
  • Downloads > Images
  • Downloads > Pictures
  • Dropbox > Images
  • Dropbox > Images > Screenshots

As you can see, these are hierarchical and independent at each level (meaning that you cannot say that "Downloads" consists only of "Downloads > Pictures" and "Download > Images"). At the same time some levels of this set of paths can be skipped (e.g. there are no "Documents" or "Dropbox" levels).

I have a lot of space for it - horizontally, though. My idea is to show paths as tags (encapsulate each of them, here represented with square brackets):

[Documents > Pictures] [Documents > Photos] [Documents > Pictures > Photos] [Documents > Pictures > Photos > Gallery 1] [Documents > Pictures > Photos > Gallery 2] [Downloads] [Downloads > Images] [Downloads > Pictures] [Dropbox > Images] [Dropbox > Images > Screenshots]

In this case, each path would be separated at least. However, at the cost of recognizability.

A step further is to group them somehow to reflect the structure - but I have no idea how to do it within the limitations I have.

Any ideas?