List of items with status

I'm working on the design of an app with a holiday request list. Each request has a type (Holidays, Illness, etc) a pair of dates, and an Status. The Status can be:

  • Pending:
  • Approved:
  • Denied:

I'm not sure about how to correctly represent the status in the list, and with which kind of icons (or is better to use texts?)

Additionally, some request may need to be justified, and when needed, the status can be:

  • Justified = Yes
  • Justified = No

I really don't know where and how can I represent the need of justification on some request.

Can you help me to decide if it's better to use an icon set (ideas?) or a text to describe the status? And tips about where and how to put the Justification Yes/No in some of the requests?
