Link in running text on mobile device

we have a mobile app with a space of 1 row for running text on the first screen. It´s purpose is to announce an important news. For example: "We are preparing a new version of our app with lots of new features."

The problem: This running text is a link as well. It leads to the extra page with "article-like" text. What is the best practice to show this running text as the link? How to inspire users to click on it?

Right now they add something like "for more info click here", but the same text is technically the title of the article, so we have an article with a title like "We are preparing a new version of our app with lots of new features. For more info click here". It´s awkward.

Don´t ask me why they prepared it technically to be the same text. To change it is more complicated than do something with the visual of the running text.

I aprreciate any advise or a good practise axample. Thanks.