Less clicks or less choice?

I'm currently working on a new IA for a webshop. I've drawn out two examples.

OPT 1 (option 1) (more a flat(ter) hierarchy)

This 'could' be our new IA (it's restructured). More choice (of categories) at the beginning and it takes a maximum of 3 clicks in order to get to the PDP.

OPT 2 (option 2) (more a deep hierarchy)

Our 'old' version of the IA. Over-all less choice, but it takes on average one more click in order to get to the PDP.

Main difference between them: OPT 2 has an additional three (generic) main categories at the beginning, that were deleted in OPT 1.

QUESTION: What would be the better solution here: have less clicks but more (specific) choice, or more clicks and less (generic) choices?

Personally I think, OPT 2 starts with three too generic category names that are confusing for clients and they don't exactly know what to expect. But I'm not sure if starting with 8 specific categories, would be too much for users and impact their cognitive load because it's too overwhelming.

Sadly we can't test prototypes with end users at this moment.

Looking forward to your input.

P.S. the arrows stand for navigation possibilities to direct jump to (for example) PLP from the start.

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