Landing behavior when switching sites on a multi regional website

Just to provide the context, there's a multi regional site setup as follows (using wordpress): - -

Each site currently only has one language, e.g. ko_KR for Each site has the same content types, but serves different content, meaning the /kr site might have no content for a specific content type. There's also a site selector which then allows the user to switch to another regional site.

So here's the problem, a team mate is insisting that when switching to another regional site, users should not be landing on the homepage, but on the same path, e.g goes to He says this should be the right behavior for good ux.

There's a few issues here which makes me believe it's more than a UX issue: - the content for the sites are different, so there's no guarantee that both path exists on each of the 2 sites. - there's no translation functionality to say e.g. post1 of is the source content of post6 on, vice versa.

I feel there's technically no content equivalence here (unlike mulitlanguage) between sites, thus landing on the homepage is expected when switching sites. I've seen examples from and, both switch to the homepage of the regional site.

Is his request really true? If not, how can I convince or help him understand?