Keep long form, or separate into multiple steps?

We are developing a price comparison website and are struggling with the attached form.

The registration process is:

  1. Eshop owner clicks on "Add eshop".
  2. Registration page 1 shows, with the basic info (name, eshop website and URL for XML file).
  3. "Set password" verification email is sent to eshop owner.
  4. After setting password on a separate page a "Thank you + Registration page 2" shows -> the form mockup attached.

In this form we are asking for more detailed information about the store. Since we have only the minimum viable product (MVP) done, the website is not fully functional, so we need to grab as much information from the eshop owner as we can during the registration and that's why the form is so excessive.

The question is: should the form should be separated into several entities, or should be left like this? I mean, on one hand we need all this information, but on the other it could scare away potential users.

I would prefer to have all these setting on one page. However my colleagues see it differently. Should we leave it like this, or should we separate the form into several pages? If separated, wouldn't it be demotivational for potential users to keep swapping between all the pages?

Registration page 2