Jobs-To-Be-Done needs statement confusion

Long-time user of Goal Directed Design, but I'm trying to incorporate some JTBD into my practice. I'm currently going through Jim Kalbach's book and I understand how to write a needs statement, but I am confused on one bit.

Say I'm working on a Performance Review product, and I heard from interviews that the setup is currently too difficult. I could say, "increase ease of setup" but that's specific to the product, not necessarily a goal that stands the test of time (although people always want things easier). They basically want 'make setup easy'. Using the 'Direction of measurement' easy doesn't sound right to start off with.

So what's the best way to handle basically what are demands about the characteristics of your product? I still don't understand where that fits in the process.

Edit: I guess I could write it as, "Minimize the time it takes to evaluate employees". I also think maybe I'm looking at the job at too high a level, and in the job map I need to focus on the job, "Setup Talent Evaluation".