How to get into IA Summit 2017 for Free

Interested in attending a world-class UX conference, and also being the voice of UX Booth for the day? We’re giving away a ticket to the 2017 IA Summit, and we’re looking at you…

So here’s the deal. IA Summit is coming up shortly—March 22 through 26th—in the lovely Vancouver, Canada. We’re offering a $50 off code for our readers (just enter UXBOOTH while checking out), as you might know.

However, we also have a ticket to give away to one lucky reader. And we’ll invite the winner to live blog their experience on UX Booth for the duration of the conference.

Why IA Summit?

The IA Summit focuses this year on designing for a world where artificial and organic intelligence interact with increasing frequency. (I mean, how cool is it that we can seriously say that and mean it? THE FUTURE IS NOW.)

Here’s what the IA Summit website has to say about the event:

Information Architects have always recognized the essential role of the user. To be successful, IA must work for people. But as artificial intelligence and machine learning increase in power and prevalence, how can we ensure that technology serves human needs, and not the other way around?

This year’s theme, Designing for Humans will bring multi-faceted discussions to the Summit around topics such as human-centered design, ethics in technology, and how to reconcile the presence of artificial intelligence with the real needs and experiences of people.

Go to IA Summit – free!

And if this wasn’t enough to convince you, here are a few more reasons that IA Summit will rock your socks off this year.

If you’re interested in being the Voice of UX Booth for the conference (in exchange for a free ticket, which would cost $1000 otherwise), email us at explaining why you’d totally rock as a live blogger.

We’ll leave our inbox open until next Thursday, March 9. Then we’ll select a winner and be in touch with details.

We’ll be keeping an eye out for your email. We do love emails.