Every User Journey is Different

As UX designers, we’re often asked to use templates or guides when we’re creating our products. We call them “personas”, or “user journeys”, or a map of the “customer experience”. These are often shared between teams within a company.

But that’s where the problems start. What matters to the marketing department is often not what matters to the design team. UX copy and advertising copy are likely not (and shouldn’t be) the same. So how do differentiate between what different users want at different stages of the product experience without investing tons of time and resources? And how can we make the experience important and personalized for each user?

Every Person has Different Goals and Motivations

The new wave of UX design is centered around personalization. Amazon’s digital assistant Alexa now recognizes individual voices. The algorithms used by Instagram and Amazon and YouTube are meant to tailor our experiences on those sites specifically for us as individuals. But most of us don’t have the time, resources, or know-how to set up those types of personalized user experiences.

On top of that, there are so many edge cases to consider. Whether your business is ecommerce, SaaS, or something else, many users are going to fall outside of the scope of your generalized personas. Personalizing for those experiences is difficult because you don’t really know your users, their needs, or their goals.

There’s a Tool That Can Help

This is where Pendo comes in. Pendo has the ability to capture all user activity in your product without coding. You can analyze specific page and feature usage while gathering data across accounts, users, and custom segments. You have the ability to survey your users in-app (instead of using a pesky Google Form) for better response rates. See which designs and behaviors lead to the most successful customers. You can also use personalized announcements and guidance within your product to increase engagement and retention with targeted announcements, contextual help, and tailored user onboarding – delivered directly in your application.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to engage with your users and take the next step towards personalizing their experiences, Pendo helps you gain the necessary knowledge without a ton of coding, user research, or time. Pendo delivers the only complete platform for Product Teams. It allows you to understand product usage, collect user feedback, measure NPS, assist users in their apps and promote new features in product. This unique combination of capabilities results in improved customer satisfaction, reduced churn, and increased revenue. Check it out today.