Jason Grigsby: The Tools I Use

The latest in our series “The Tools We Use” features Cloud Four’s very own Jason Grigsby.

I use far too many tools. Trying to figure out what would be interesting to others was challenging. Here’s my oddball list spanning design to code to utilities:

Atom: My current text editor of choice. I still open BBEdit every so often as a scratchpad and because I know its grep features best.

Drizzle: This is our own open source pattern library tool. We use it on nearly every project.

LICEcap: The worst named, best app that we use. LICEcap creates animated gifs from screen captures. We then share those animated gifs in Slack.

Netlify: We use Netlify to host the pattern libraries that we develop. It auto-updates from the project Github repo.

Lucid Meetings: We use Lucid for project meetings. We rely on its ability to set an agenda and help us keep our meetings on track. After meetings end, it publishes notes to Basecamp.

Web Page Test: My tool of choice to get a standardized look at the performance of a web page.

Lighthouse: For testing Progressive Web Apps.

Moom: I use this to resize windows multiple times every day.

Hazel: Hazel automates tasks on my Mac like emptying the trash or cleaning folders.

1Password: I currently have four secure vaults between work and home. I need to add a couple more. I love 1Password.

PhotoShop: For the usual image manipulation stuff.

Google Docs: For any documents or spreadsheets, Google Docs is now my default choice after years of being attached to iWork.

Keynote: Keynote is the exception to the above Google Docs rule. Nothing beats Magic Move.

Keynote Tweet: For tweeting while keynoting.