Is there an unbiased way to collect feedback on a product idea in a user survey?

I’m working with a stakeholder on a potential major pivot to a product, which gets used both inside and outside our organization. The stakeholder wants to directly ask a question like this in a survey to internal potential users: “If our organization offered a way to (achieve your primary goal) (without either of your two top pain points), would you be interested in using it?”

I see this question as biased because it looks like “who in their right mind wouldn’t say yes?” The stakeholder has worked for us for many years and insists that this won't be a problem, but I find this hard to believe.

Also, in our context, we have to consider whether or not our users have the time, capacity, and desire to use a product like ours. They can use it in or outside their jobs, but they don’t have to.

Are we out of line to ask a question like this? Even if we are, what is a less biased way to ask it?