Is there a best "all-in-one" tool for UX design, prototyping, handoff, project management and design systems? [on hold]

I work at a company that operates as e-commerce, and we use Shopify as our platform. I'm a product designer at said company, in a two-person team that includes myself and my boss, and we rarely work on the same designs at the same time.

Currently, our tool kit includes:

  • Sketch: Used to build & update a working style guide & component library, as well as design wireframes and hi-fidelity mocks
  • Zeplin: 1) Dev Handoff, i.e. visual specs, assets, etc. 2) Sharing mocks & commenting 3) To house projects 4) To house our style guide/component library.
  • InVision Cloud: We use this for its basic prototyping tools and to share prototypes with stakeholders or user test participants. We use Favro for tickets & project management (not great), google docs for documents and decks

However, we're running into a myriad of issues. I'll outline some of the primary ones below, in order of most to least important.

  1. Design System Manager: Overall design system portal that does style guides & component libraries, rules & definitions, and also does version control to manage updates (that’s really tough to keep track of now)
  2. Advanced prototyping: Ability to add more advanced things like animations, component states, interactive elements, conditions/logic, etc. to better present functionality to developers/stakeholders. Overall stronger developer handoff with more advanced features that allow designers to design more accurately to code and gives devs more to work with (Seems FramerX is leading this charge:
  3. Responsive design: Setting component constraints and responsive resize to design faster and more strategically
  4. Project management: Ability to track project status, assign tasks to team members, nest various prototypes & design files within one project, and has version control
  5. Annotations & documentation - Seamless, easy way to create annotations for specifications & documentation for developer handoff (UXpin seems to be leading this charge
  6. User Flow/Site Map generator - would be amazing to have a tool that generates these vs. having to manually do them (OverFlow seems to do this)

Obviously one tool won’t have EVERYTHING, but I’m trying to wrap my brain around all of the tools out there and which tool, or small collection of tools, make the most sense for my team. Any advice?