Is it likely that all frontend development will be replaced by design tools in the next 5 years? [on hold]

Tools like SketchApp, Invision and Principle for mac seem to be closing the gaps towards a complete interface design solution that is able to handle static visuals, page linking and animation without having to touch any code.

I imagine the next step for Sketch is to auto-generate HTML & CSS based on designs. Then creating libraries of repeatable components "symbols" in Sketch would be like creating a frontend framework (such as bootstrap). These components can be linked to other components and pages (Artboards) via 'Princple for macs' drag and drop style tool to handle the interaction.

Instead of leaving this question open to any time in the future I would like to narrow it down to a specific date. So is it likely that these tools will replace any need for frontend development in the next 5 years?