Is it best practice to show errors that are potentially duplicate by implicit meaning, or just one error?

When validating form fields (such as a number field) - what is considered best practice when it comes to validations that potentially encapsulate another validation?

Example: An Age field on a form. The form requires that the age is entered and that the value is between 18 and 30.

Our team is torn between two modes of thought when the fields are empty since it is thought that one of the requirements implicit implies the other.

Camp A Errors:

  • Age is required
  • Age must be between 18 and 30

The thought here is that it is best to be as descriptive as possible to the audience that we have, as our audience is typically not consisting of the most technically-savvy users, therefore be specific/explicit in telling them that a value IS required and that it must fall within the range.

Camp B Errors:

  • Age must be between 18 and 30

The thought here is that the rule basically implies that the value is required since you're stating that the value MUST be between two numbers. The other thought is that it is friendlier/less scary to the user to see fewer errors.

I know the general idea in validation design is to be descriptive as to the situation, however, there's also a principle of keeping the design simple and as straight forward as possible. I have tried searching for other sentiments/input as to this question, but I'm apparently not using the right keywords.