Is it always bad to force users to click to show them your products?

Let me explain. Suppose you have a a lot of products (they might be physical goodies or not - like courses). Here you have some options to display your products:

  1. You can create a very long list in your home page to display all your products at once. Users doesn't need to click to see your products but your home page will be obviously big;
  2. You can create a specific page containing all your products. This implies forcing the user, once in the home page, to click to see the products;
  3. You can create a specific number of pages containing your products organized by type (or whatever suits your product the best). This implies having a "main product page" that has links to all other sub-pages or having a lot of information in your home page.

So, in terms of product organization, 1 is the worst scenario and 3 is the best. Scenario 1 might give the user the sensation of no-organization and he might feel kinda lost but at the same time he don't need to click. Scenario 3 is way more organized and it might be a good thing but at the same time you made your user read a lot to find the specific group of products he wanted or made him click at least twice to see the product he wanted on the screen.

So, which one is better?