Is Dynamic Content in Breadcrumb Navigation Bad Practice?

I've working on a web app where the user (1) selects a search type, such as "company" (2) clicks a given company to view/enter info, and (3) within a record (e.g., a specific company) can navigate through several detail screens.

The site owner breadcrumbs to navigate that hierarchy. They want the selected record (e.g., company) to display in the breadcrumb, something like:

Company > ABC Company > Addresses

Or, in another part of the app:

Key Personnel > John Smith > Projects

I smell trouble ahead, with the second element in these lists. Just for starts:

  1. The company name might be much longer
  2. The personal name might not be unique

Are there any published best practices that apply to putting dynamic content in breadcrumbs? Does anyone have first-hand experience with trying something like this, or some better alternative?