Is auto scrolling on a mobile form good practice?

Im making an application form on a website to work on desktop and mobile. The form is quite long. For the mobile version, the client is asking for auto-scroll to the next field once you've finished filling in a field that is at the bottom of the screen.

So, imagine the form has 15 text boxes, but only 3 fit on the screen when you first land. Then imagine you get to the third box, which is at the bottom of the screen. They want the screen to auto-scroll to the next field, where text box #4 is at the top of the screen, #5 and 6 are displayed. And keep repeating until you've reached the end of the form.

My question is - Is that good practice? to have the screen scroll to the top every few boxes or so. They want it this way so that user doesnt have to scroll themselves. But I dont know whats wrong with scrolling themselves, and I fear a user might be confused why the form is jumping around everywhere. Any thoughts?