Is a bottom sheet dialog "unfitting" for navigation?

Edit: I posted an answer below containing various attempts based on the ideas provided here.

I am developing an application with a somewhat special main screen, from where the app is divided into two main parts. These parts are fairly independent and basically form a 50-50 relation of the content.

Now the thing is that besides the main content, I do have to bring in some very minor other screens, e.g. about page. I do not want to kind of "be forced" to use one of the common navigation patterns like a nav. drawer or a bottom tab bar just so I can display these minor pages.

So from my perspective, it would be cool to include those in a modal dialog that only comes up when needed:

Two screenshots showing original state and one with the dialog open

But the issue I'm concerned with here is that such bottom sheets seem to only be used for managing/editing actions, such as when selecting photos or files:

An example screenshot showing a bottom sheet in a file management app

The Material docs say

Modal bottom sheets are an alternative to inline menus or simple dialogs on mobile and provide room for additional items, longer descriptions, and iconography.

So it does not seem to be "against the rules", but maybe it is against user expectations?
What do you guys think, any better solutions to this?