iOS – Variable item list in a modal – is scrolling a list (not picker) bad UX?

Question: Is allowing an iOS list to scroll within a modal bad UX?

Background: I have a modal that contains a list of categories that the user can add to. For Android this is a radio button list that starts to scroll within the modal once there are many items in the list. In iOS, however, the native control would be a scrolling picker - the problem is this does not look good or have good affordance when there is only one or two items in the list (1 item - "New" is default - any other items are subsequently added by the user).

Android modal iOS modal

The constraints: this is a hybrid native app that shares a common codebase. So although I am trying to use native Android and native iOS design for each version, the flow itself can't differ too much on one platform without having to redesign the flow on the other platform to match. Therefore hiding a scrolling picker until the list reaches a certain size isn't an option. Since the user adds the category names, the list can be anywhere from 1 item to dozens. The devs have already built the Android version of the UI.

iOS item list

I was thinking of using the normal iOS list, but I've never seen it scroll. I'm much more familiar with Android patterns than iOS patterns. Would that be bad UX? Am I going down the wrong path here?