iOS: Delete/Upload button position

My iOS app (for iPhone and iPad) has two main screen with two buttons each:

  1. A table: Clicking on one of the cells opens screen 2; with Upload & Delete button
  2. Detailed screen with more information about that specific cell; with Abort & Save button

Screen 1 looks like this:

enter image description here

After moving the two buttons in the detailed view from the bottom (same as screen 1) to the navigation bar (back button = "abort", "save" button on the right), I want to do the same for the table view.

But where does a "save"/"upload" button usually go in the navigation bar?

  1. Delete on the left, Upload on the right
  2. Upload on the left, Delete on the right
  3. Both on the left
  4. Both on the right

Both buttons are only going to be used after the detailed view for every cell was saved, so it won't happen that often. Edit: As mentioned in the comments, the "Delete" button affects every item in the table. It's not meant to delete just single items.

Is there a "fixed" position in (Apple's) iOS apps? I checked the Apple HIG but there's nothing in there about it.