Intuitive representation of "increase priority"

We have a grid, each row represent a pending download. By default, downloads will proceed top-down, first row first, second row after that, etc.

We want to put a column in the grid with a symbol/icon/button suggestions inside
so the user can use that control to say: i want this row to be transferred after first row, and then this... in other words, priorize transfer order overriding the default 1 to N order.

NOTE: sorting rows is not an option. Order has other implications and has to be kept as is.

Here´s a mock of the existing gui i am trying to improve.

The user adds items (hard covers, chapters, index, maps, etc) to build a book. The table can be sorted, and this will change the items order in the book.
As the user adds one item the app begins to download additional info (this process is sometimes a bit long). Let our book be: front cover, index, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, back cover. We add the proper items...

enter image description here

And the transfers begin automatically.

After a while, item 1 has succesfully downloaded its info, so item 2 begins to download info too.

enter image description here

Now guess chapter 1 and 2 are approved and has no recent changes, so no need for further inspection. but Chapter 3 and Back cover are the ones we want to check before approve the hole thing.

So we want to instruct the download queue to first download Hard Cover, and after that proceed with Chapter 3. Otherways we have to wait for previous transfers to complete while doing nothing because we dont need the info.

We want this to happen:

enter image description here

My question is:

How can i redesign that "Waiting" column so the user can intuitivelly know that download queue can be altered? Which controls/icons (instead of the "Waiting" label) are best suited for that?
I´d like that someone that is facing the waiting problem could say: Cool, if i click/use this i can alter the download queue and prioritize the items i want most !

Feel free to add a column, replace Waiting label with buttons, icons...
Any suggestions welcome.