Intuitive colour pickers for non-expert users?

Does anyone have examples of favourite colour pickers (as UI elements, not dedicated color-picking apps or sites) for common, 'everyday' colours - not for RGB or HSL values?

I find traditional colour wheels really unintuitive for common colours - hard for people who don't understand colour theory to know how to pick black, white, or grey:

trad colour wheel

I quite like Polyvore's:

enter image description here

But what I'd really like to see is one that combines colour and words in some attractive way - Polyvore's squares are so small they work best for people with good eyesight on high-res, bright screens.

I know the concept of 'everyday' colours is problematic, but the UX requirements are:

  • let users select colours without understanding how HSL etc work
  • let users distinguish between light and dark versions of common colours
  • be distinguishable on a mobile, non-retina screen.