Input fields – Is <input type phone> more user friendly for credit cards than <input type number>?

Basically this question, but with more usability focus:

So we have these two general keyboard layouts (at least that's how they look on my phone).
One is <input type=number> and the other <input type=tel>


Now by the logic they were designed, you would use the number one for credit cards.

But I'm wondering, aren't the buttons on <input type=tel> much easier to hit for a field where you only need numbers? It feels like all the extra symbols on <input type=number> are just cluttering the view, you can't use them for this field anyway.

Now the questions are:
Would you consider this a better user experience, even though we'd be using the "wrong" format?
What about possible drawbacks, would this possibly hinder the user in some way?