Indicate highlighted terms in a modal that is triggered by an ellipsis icon

In my search engine, on search results page terms for different criteria can be highlighted. For instance, in text, in dates or in emails.

However, some of those items (text, dates, emails) can be too long of a list and so we truncate under ellipsis button. This ellipsis button can be clicked to open the modal and see the full text and highlighted terms.

The issue during the last demo was that the users wanted some indication that there were more highlighted terms in that modal/on that ellipsis button.

mock1: search results page with highlighted terms, blue ellipsis button and red hand clicking on the button to expand that result.

mock2: modal with expanded text result and more highlighted items in that text.

Should I indicate that there are more highlighted items on the blue ellipsis itself? In which case, how? Perhaps highlight it itself? or add a label?..

Any suggestions/opinions highly appreciated.