In a booking confirmation page, is it good UX to tell the user they have an option to cancel once they have booked?

We want to keep the page as simple as possible with the appointment schedule, booking fee and payment method.

But when keeping in mind a user-centric approach, a problem that might arise would be:

What if the user wants to know if they can still cancel the booking?

Would it be a distraction to the main flow(booking) if we explain to them the cancel policy in the confirmation page?

The policy goes something like :

"You may cancel at least 24 hours before the appointment schedule to get a 100% rebate."

Take note that this app only charges the booking fee and a rebate would be given after they have cancelled, the payment for the service would be done after the service has been made.

One of the stakeholders also said that: "It would give the idea that we aren't confident of our bookings because we give the users an idea that they can cancel"