Improving a confusing search for Software License ERP admin

I'm building a system for 3D CAD niche software with Dongle Licenses. Both the customer portal and internal portal for tech support and sales. It's very similar to AutoDesk and Adobe but we don't have cloud license but USB Dongles. In an attempt to do a global real-time search with the library he came up with this:

enter image description here

The dropdown does not filter but selects from different pools (something like different tables but not exactly all tables).

enter image description here

User goals: find different users or accounts to a second page which they can check and modify detailed information by clicking on a row. This second part mimics a basic CRM/ERP

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enter image description here

Current search problems:

  • The dropdown doesn't filter, but selects a pool to be searched,
  • You can still search in real-time for a member when Serial code (pool) is selected and because there is a link established which is confusing
  • I cannot list all vendors and their dongles, then click on that dongle directly
  • I cannot list all dongles used by members (assigned) without duplicates then access that dongle directly. I need to find to search again on the second page (account) Note: We have a security feature which allows the owner to unlock multiple dongles, so in theory he owns and is assigned to multiple dongles at the same time, so when a dongle is being used by a team member there is a "double assignment" to owner and that user, but real clients don't see this, it happens on the back-end but will make tech support harder. They need to find that account then search again inside that account
  • when searching by member, since not all members have dongles assigned, I need to tell the search (real-time smart) to select from pool 3


  • The account can be a Single-User or Company. Created in SSO without any purchase Not all accounts have members or dongles

  • An account owner is both owner and member (user of multiple dongles)

  • The link between dongle and account is created when dongle license is inserted (ownership) into the account, it doesn't need to be purchased but it can happen at any time

  • The link between member and dongle is stablished by "assigning" a dongle, but the owner is linked to all dongles in that account

  • Not all member's have dongles (assigned license)

  • All Dongles have owner if the product was not sold it belongs to house account (Cast) or a third party (reseller)

Possible solutions:

  1. Create 3 pages in the navigation or 3 tabs within and change the name of the page for "Search" each pool (Dongle Serial Code, Accounts and Members). Downside: people could get confused about having to navigate to multiple pages. It is more tedious. However, I've seen this in many CRMS
  2. use one global search then filter the duplicates like in Sugar CRM using SQL-like filters, Dev is not happy with this idea and it might get confusing and messy
  3. simplify data structure and try to move members inside the account pool since a team member cannot exist in isolation without an account owner and account. Create two pages "Search by Account, Search By Dongle Serial Code"
  4. SQL joins for cases that relationships are clear and try to simplify the pools (data normalization).

Downside: Dev is completely against to do joins. (not sure because it's hard or they don't know how to do). They want all relationships to be 1 to 1 but it looks like this is a common thing in programming, it could be done by creating foreign keys in DB and our library has this functionality already.

Ideal user experience: one real-time search without duplicates

Question: what is the proven simple to do the decision to do in this case?