Implementation of Step Progress Bar with loop

I have a indicator that tells user in which step they are:

enter image description here

Suppose, we are registering televisions we have at home. For the most of the cases, they have just one. However, for some people -let say 1/3 of the cases- it should be somehow allowed to add more. This is the main idea of having a loop for my step progress bar. At some point, they should be allowed to add more entities by following the same steps (e.g. max 5 times) and go further to complete the whole story.

If our loop starts from step 1 to step 3 (e.g. television details, adres of customer and a small survey) and if the steps 4 and 5 are common steps (like paying, confirmation etc):

enter image description here

Is there a common way/standard to implement such a situation? Or a loop within a step progress completely wrong choice (then what can be the alternative)? I also couldn't see any example for step progress bar with a loop on web.