I’m switching on Adobe XD and I need a good tutorial. Can you help me? [on hold]

I would like to change my "design path" and switch to Photoshop to Adobe XD(1) for UI and UX Flows design (and I waited too long to do it, considering my current frustration — I must admit).

The fact is that I would like to deeply understand the software before integrating it in my daily work with clients, and I have the necessity to learn it fast.

So the question: do you know a good online course on Adobe XD, that starts from the beginning and brings the user to a pretty good level of understanding of the software and related workflows?

I mean a really valid one, like the famouse Sketch Master made by Peter Nowell.

Thanks in advice!

(1) I was thinking about going with sketch, but considering Adobe XD's last improvements and integrations... well, I think i will go with it.