If I have 24 categories with sub-categories in my shop page, where would be the best place for them?

The design is specifically to Desktop, on Mobile and Tablet I'm planning to have a drawer window with the list of categories and its sub-categories. The idea is to make the category visible in the eye of the customers and make it less-hustle to access.

So in Desktop, I want it for the customer to become visible.

A sample of my current idea:

enter image description here

But I have a doubt about my design. I have a feeling that the customers may still not be able to see it unless they look or try to find it, another thing is I want it to be clean as much as possible to avoid confusion. It should be something, "I'm looking for something, ahh right I just hover on these categories"

I'm not really sure about my design so I'm gonna take a risk asking for some advice and alternative ideas.

Anyway, I'm limiting the sub-categories to have a second sub-category only, no more sub-categories after that.

               -> SUB-CATEGORY
                              -> SUB-CATEGORY OF SUB-CATEGORY