Identifying objects within a group by something that’s not a name
I'm stuck with a rather odd information architecture that I'm trying to untangle in a crowd computing platform. Essentially, my platform has the concept of a "Use Case" - a task definition containing tasty things like settings, instructions, and so forth. A user can create an unlimited amount of "Jobs" out of these Use Cases, and launch those jobs into the crowd.
The user then can go and see a list of Jobs and their statuses within a particular Use Case. But when the user opens a specific Job, it's currently called the same thing as the Use Case at the top of the page. This has created a lot of confusion, where users can't figure out the difference between a Use Case and a Job.
One way I want to help clear this up is to identify the Jobs by a different name than the Use Case. To use an analogy, if I print out 50 copies of the same photo of Justin Timberlake, I can refer to each individual piece of paper as page 1, page 2, etc. But referring to them by number will be very difficult, because we might be looking at hundreds of thousands of Jobs for any given Use Case.