Ideas for *intuitive* bulk action pattern for a medical CRM?

enter image description hereHi everybody,

I'm designing a patient list page (shown above) for a medical CRM, and two main user needs are sending messages to multiple patients at once, and deleting multiple patients at once. I've been exploring a variety of bulk action patterns to facilitate these tasks, but I haven't come across any that are simple or intuitive enough to fit our users' technical ability (think nurses in their 50's and 60's).

Do you have any thoughts on what might be a simple, effective UI enabling these two bulk actions?

Some options I've considered:

  1. A "bulk action" dropdown on the page header next to the New Patient button. Clicking it would reveal a menu with the options "Send Message" and "Delete." However, I'm hesitant to hide these actions in a dropdown that has potential to be overlooked
  2. An action bar that replaces the values on the column headers when a checkbox is ticked. I've seen this pattern before, but I'm not sure if it's good practice to hide info like that, even temporarily, especially in a medical tool. Plus it might be a bit disorienting for users
  3. A sticky bottom action bar that appears when a checkbox is ticked. Main concern here is visibility, especially for users using large monitors.

Thank you!