Ideas for distinguishing between navigate and edit click intents

I am trying a new approach in a content management systen interface to make everything that can be edited, editable inline without changing screen. For example, a list of blog post shows a title, an author, a date, and a status. The operator can, without leaving the screen and with minimal steps simply click the title to edit it. They can click the status and get a drop down list of statuses to change to. They can click the author and from a menu choose a new author. And they can click the date which pops out a calendar date picker.

This is currently only being developed for desktop. So hovering on an editable field gives visual feed back via border that it may be edited.

However, the issue now is that if the users intent is to navigate instead of edit... To actually enter the dedicated editing screen for the post where they may change the posts content... I have to introduce a button for navigation. I feel this is a bit of an annoyance when the user expects clicking to navigate. So the alternative becomes to introduce a double click or long press for editing...which seems like not the worst idea but not my favourite idea... Or to add an edit button (which defeats the elegance of the inline editing)

Are there some other possibilities I have not explored? Is there a way to make one of these solutions more elegant and just as simple as clicking to edit?