Icon for "previous issue" and "next issue" of a magazine"?

A magazine website I am designing has a front page for each issue and on that page it has links to all the articles in that issue. Each issue's front page has a large figure at the top, to the right of the logo, to show which number the issue is. What icons can I usefully place to the right of the number to mean "previous issue" and "next issue"? Both have to go to the right rather than "previous" going to the left and "next" going to the right, because of how the large figure fits in with the logo.

I could use

◄ ►


< >

but those symbols are often used to mean "I want to go back to the page I was last on" and "I want to go forward to the page I was on before I came back to this page". What are the alternatives?

This is what I've got at the moment. It is the kind of magazine where I want to draw a lot of traffic to previous issues. These mockups are for the front page of a previous issue; the latest issue would not have the "next issue" icon, and its front page would not have the "home" icon either, because its front page is the site home page. In the version for larger screens, there is a nice aesthetic fit between the logo and name and the number. This would be lost if the arrows went on either side of the number.

Big screen:

mock top big screen

Small screen:

mock top small screen