I work primarily with small and medium businesses, is it a problem to replace the contact form with some VoIP application such as WhatsApp?

I find that maintaining a content management system agnostic contact form as a single person can be a pain at least in the context of software testing (not to mention anxiety that something would work wrong and I'll lose a lead) and that even using a content management system contact form module can be frustrating in certain CMSs (from my experience, MediaWiki in which there is little control over the form's components compared to say, Drupal).

I work primarily with small and medium businesses, is it a problem to replace the contact form with some VoIP application such as WhatsApp?

  • I would bet that at least 97.5% of my potential customers use WhatsApp
  • I already have a sticky "Let's talk in WhatsApp" button in the end of the website display
  • I am not enthusiastic to use VoIP applications in general and WhatsApp in particular but business is business; I might consider using a different extremely popular VoIP such as Zoom but I don't want to make this Q&A session into a software recommendation thread.