I want to keep an LMS homepage redesign focussed, my boss wants to add extra supplemental information for SOE reasons. How can I navigate this?
We are targetting teachers and the goal is to get them up to speed using our products. My homepage design's main goal is to drive registrations while signposting out to the learning resources available (courses, videos, blog posts, events, etc.).
From my research, teachers want to be directed quickly to the useful information, and see browsing around lists of courses and videos, events, etc on a homepage as unnecessarily complicated and usually not relevant. I would prefer the homepage to link to other dedicated /courses, /videos, and /events pages because once there, we can presume they want to view this particular content type and we can show more relevant information.
My boss is of the mind that as long as we capture the CTA and signpost out to these pages above the fold, we are free to add long lists of courses, videos, testimonials, social proofs underneath, and even if no one scrolls down and clicks, Google's bot will crawl all of this and it will help our rankings.
Where do you stand in general with my position? I think my boss has a point somewhat, but I am sick of sites trying to add all this extra crap to a page, which the targetted persona doesn't need.