I need help arranging the elements for my minimal password generator

Here is the website right now: apasswordgenerator.website

So there are 3 elements:

  • A generate button
  • two trackbars to change the settings
  • three passwords that are generated

Right now I have the two trackbars hidden until the "Customize" button is pressed (not all users want to customize their passwords, please tell me if this is bad practice).

I'm just not sure what the best way to arrange them is. I initially had the trackbars on top, button in the middle, and passwords on the bottom. This makes sense but the page became so tall that the user had to scroll. I wanted this app to be very minimal and I wanted to avoid making the user scroll. I also wanted to be sure that the document size doesn't change if any elements change.

I feel stuck and I'm not sure what to do. What do you guys think is best? Also if you have any other feedback on the site, I'm all ears. Thanks!