How to visualize my cron jobs

I would like to visually present my CRON jobs.

Right now I only have three, but i'm planning on adding 10 more soon. I have tried googling for hours to find a suitable template to map this on. Automatically would be ideal, but even a template which I can recreate would be helpful.

I have cron's that run every 30 mins, cron's that run once on sunday, cron's that run every couple of hours... I have not found a suitable way/template of visualizing this, mainly because it needs to be per 1/15/30min intervals? This helps in keeping an overview of what cron's exist + maybe spot any improvements in timings of these crons.

I found the cronv tool on github, but it uses Linux and I don't have that available at the moment. I would prefer an excel-like template, if that exists.

I've also looked at CircleEye but i'm unsure whether D3 will be suitable to visualize jobs running every x minutes?

Does anyone have an idea how to visualize my cron job?