How to show Telephone Number range

I need to show telephone numbers which can be the range of following fashion. 1: 123456710- 123456720(11 Numbers) 2: 234567835-234567842( 8 Numbers) and so on

I need to represent this info in table with following columns. How do I show the range of numbers as there can be many. Should I show just count like one number range and then a badge with count and on click on this show a popup or expand the row. Any idea or suggestions?

Product Name | Company Name | Telephone Numbers

ABC | XYZ | 123456710- 123456720(11 Numbers), 234567835-234567842( 8 Numbers)...

MNO | PQR | 123456710- 123456720(11 Numbers), 234567835-234567842( 8 Numbers)...

EFG | LPN | 123456710- 123456720(11 Numbers), 234567835-234567842( 8 Numbers)...