How to show errors when saving multiple things at once?

I have this situation. I have list of data and user can choose one button. After pressing that button dialog is shown to user , with yes and no button. On sucessfull operation element in list disappear and user gets grren notification in right upper corner "Saved successfully", or on failure "Failed because...". Everything is fine with that scenario. I like it. Here is the problem. I needed to make checkbox near to each element in list, where user can check one or more items in list. Selecting one element triggers visibility of one button (save all) where user can save for example 5 items in once. Chances are that 3 of those items will be saved corretly but 2 will not. How to shows relevant errors for those items. I can't show them as notifications in upper right corner because what when user selects 10 items, and 10 of them fails. Notifications also dissaper automatically after 5 seconds. They will take entire screen from top to bottom and user will not have enaught time to read them. User will notice that few items were not "saved" bacause they remain in list but I'm trying to find the way for showing notifications for t