How to show a segmented control and multiselect buttongroup at top of a list

I'm struggling on how I can present the following to my users and that they understand how it works:

In a desktop app, we have a 'Recent' phonecalls list. This list shows all calls that came in and went out. A user is able to see just his own phonecalls or choose to see all calls that came in or went out for his team. So i solved this by adding a segmented control.

But the list shows two phonelines that come in, and he has to be able to choose whether he wants to see the phonecalls of the one line or the other line or just both.

I solved it like this for now, but i dont think its really clear to the user that the one thing is toggle and the other is multiselect...

Or am i just making it really hard for myself?

Appriciate the help!
