How to represent multiple positive buttons as CTA

We have an extension that has two different actions: Yes and No. But these two actions come in two different flavours. Yes for the current page and Yes for the whole domain, meaning Yes for the current page and treat this as Yes for any future pages on this domain. Similar No for the current page and No for the whole domain.

  1. I am using tick mark icon for Yes, Cross for No and ban icon for No for the whole domain. I am stuck at what icon could be the right choice for Yes for the whole website. current icons and their meanings

  2. Also currently I am showing Yes for the current page as main CTA. I want to change the behaviour and make Yes for the whole domain as Yes.

I am planning to use a double tick mark (like WhatsApp_ for Yes for the whole domain option, but not sure if it does really convey the meaning.

Any suggestions on how should I go about this?

PS: This UI is a menu popped up by the browser extension.

I saw a few comments asking me the reason for having a negative option. Since this is a popup added inside the browser window by the extension if we don't have a negative option the popup will block the content inside the browser window. We thought of having a timer to close the popup but if the user moves away from the tab this might cause a problem. So we decided to have the negative option.

Example Popup