How to prevent accidental button press?

We have an app that logs tasks of workers and they're able to indicate the start / stop of the task by clicking "Start" or "Stop" (like a in a stop timer).

This "start / stop" time must be accurate (they cannot amend) as the system will record their actual timelog. However, they may accidentally press "Start / Stop" which will log an incorrect timing and they're not able to amend it.

Is there a way to prevent accidental press of this critical button?

Some ways I can think of is:

  1. Always have a confirmation dialog at every press. E.g. "Are you sure you want to Start / Stop Task at XX:XX time. [Cancel] [Confirm].

  2. Don't use a button but some other methods like a slider to Start / Stop?

  3. Make it the press sensitivity low.

Am not sure what will work best or if there are other methods?

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