How to present six or more options in a card / modal on mobile screen (to abort an order)

I am working on an app which is used by workers to complete an order within a fixed/ closed process. Since the process is closed until the order is finished, workers need the option to abort in case they run into serious issues (e.g. accident, not enough resources etc.) so the order can be reassigned or the problem can be fixed.

For this they have a context menu where they can choose the option 'abort order'. After that they are shown 5 common reasons to abort, which they now have to choose from in order to abort (+ an 'Other' option, so six in total)

The struggle currently is to find a way to display those options with components/styles that are already used when a choice has to be made. I included wireframes for 2 options we already somewhat have in the app. However, trying to use it for this function means either lack of space, too many steps or too much white space.

Does anyone maybe have a tip on how to change the concept to make it work? suggestions for totally different ideas are also welcome!

Thank you!

Option 1

enter image description here

Option 2

enter image description here